Anna-Eva Ampelas

Head of Unit, Medical Devices and Health Technology Assessment, Health Technology and Cosmetics, DG SANTE, European Commission, Belgium

Anna-Eva Ampelas is Head of Unit for Medical Devices and Health Technology Assessment in Unit B6 in DG SANTE, European Commission. In this capacity, she is managing files on medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic medical devices, and Health Technology Assessments (HTA). She has almost fifteen years of experience working on health policy and legislation in the European Commission and five years in managerial positions in the Commission. Before taking over the Unit on Medical Devices, Anna-Eva was heading units dealing with pharmaceuticals, substances of human origin, tobacco control and global health.  She was Health Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Sweden 2002-2006 before joining the European Commission. Anna-Eva has a Master of Laws from Uppsala University.

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